Wednesday, August 19, 2015

A Mama's Rant: Part 1 (of what I'm sure will be many)

Over the past few days, several things have happened that have made me question humanity. Here is a short list:

- Let's start with this doozy- Josh Duggar had 2 Ashley Madison accounts. Are you for real?! Not only did this guy have a molestation scandal under his belt, but he, THE "spokesperson" on the sanctity of marriage was looking for some very strange things on a known website for adulterers. I am actually very interested to see what the Duggar family's stance will be on this one. I'm sure the hackers of the Ashley Madison website were thrilled when they came upon his name. This guy literally said gay marriage would "ruin the sanctity of marriage" while he was ruining his OWN marriage. The shameful thing is that his platform and stance paired with his actions put a target on Christianity. This is my number one problem with people who become famous being Christians. I am a Christian. I fall short every day, and I'm going to be THE LAST PERSON to go on a national platform and damn another group of people to hell. Shame shame, Josh Duggar. Shame Shame. By the way, I also learned tonight that the famous Duggars, who improperly handled their own sexual abuse problem in their home are trying to create a new TLC show where they help others who have faced sexual abuse. How exactly would that help anyone?! TLC: No. Just no.

- Tuesday morning, while driving down Main Street in my hometown, I encountered (what I believe was) a drunk driver. Swerving from one lane to the other on our small, two lane street... at 9:30 in the morning. Luckily she managed to miss what few cars passed her (and miraculously missed the parked ones as well). Don't worry, *HP was my friend and I was happy to report her for her shenanigans, license plate AND vehicle type and color. I decided not to continue to follow her to the country road she turned on, but the fact I didn't see her on the side of the road when I went home that afternoon, I'm assuming she was either pulled over or, by the grace of God, made it home safely.

- Another annoying thing I've encountered is traffic surrounding one of the busiest highways in our area. They decided to do a re-paving project on this MAJOR road the week before school AND during the daytime, when traffic is the heaviest. The other day, it took our little family 15 minutes to travel 1/2 a mile. Yesterday, I got stopped about 1/4 mile from the action (i.e. the people working on the road). They had barrels set up, and some 18 year old kid was leaning on said barrels, probably playing Candy Crush, and completely ignoring the looming line of cars slowly building up on one of my town's busiest streets. You'd think he'd radio Mission Control and say "Hey guys, can I let some of these people through? The line is backed up as far as it can go and is threatening interrupting traffic on sidestreets as well now" but no. He just kept playing his game. After waiting 3 songs on the radio, I was over it. I went around his little barrels to the closest side street and turned around. I WAS A REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE! 5 cars followed me. Then he actually woke up and tried to stop people from doing that, making them stay in line like he had so much authority in his little orange vest. It takes a real genius to decide to do a re-paving project on a heavy traffic HIGHWAY during the day when there are only about 10 hours at night that they could do the same damn thing and also save their workers from heat exhaustion. But what do I know?

- I was in the drive through at McDonald's to get Mr. P a coffee. I pulled up behind a vehicle who seemed confused by the fact there were 2 lines at the drive through. After a ridiculously unnecessary hesitation, that car decided to pull in the line with two people in front of him. After he moved safely out of my way, I chose the other lane with no line, pulled up, and ordered my food. McDonald's spent thousands of dollars in signage AND numbering the lanes so that all patrons would be aware that there are 2 lanes to help with line efficiency. I felt kind of sorry for the car in front of me because I feel like he waits in super long lines for absolutely no reason all of the time.

- Today I went to Walmart twice. My first trip, I went to get some paint. I waited by the paint counter for a full 8 minutes before I had to go find an employee to help me mix my paint. During that 8 minutes, a manager walked past me 4 TIMES and never once stopped to ask if I needed any help. During my second trip, I needed another gallon of paint (because I may or may not have spilled over 1/2 a gallon of mint green paint on my brown carpet today and tried for 2 hours to get it out and then just settled on the fact my carpet is now a flavor and that flavor is mint chocolate chip). We were coming home from dinner, so we chose to go to a different Walmart closer to home. I made my way to the paint area, found the color I needed (again) and proceeded to find an employee to help me mix my paint. Side Note to Walmart: you should really put an automatic paging button on all of your paint counters and your fabric centers. It's SUPER HARD to find an employee in the area when you need to mix paint or buy a damn yard of fabric, so you have to go look for 15 minutes just to find someone who has to page people at least twice before anyone comes to help. After I found an employee at the second Walmart, he told me "The guy who mixes the paint isn't here. He left for the day." I think I threw him off guard when I replied, "You mean to tell me that IN AMERICA where there are thousands and thousands of people who need jobs that my local 24 HOUR WALMART has ZERO employees who can go to a computer, punch in this little code, open a can of paint, put color in, and stick it in a mixing bin? You mean to tell me you have ONE PERSON TRAINED ON YOUR STAFF that can mix paint? You have GOT to be kidding me!" I didn't necessarily mean to go off on the kid, but I feel like a 24 hour store should staff people that can help you for all of the 24 hours in a day, if that's what they advertise. From a store who has 25 check out lanes and only 2 open on a regular basis, I'm not really sure why I have such high hopes. You know who I'm going to vote for in our next Presidential election? The person who staffs at least 1 paint person at every Walmart in America for every hour that they are open. Yeah. That's the person who will get MY vote.

- Tonight while driving home at almost 9 p.m., I received a phone call a Texas number. I was feeling frisky from my Walmart encounter, so I answered it. It was "Student Loan Debt Relief." I answered the phone. This is how the conversation went:
Me: "Hello?"
Student Loan Lady: "Is this Mrs. P"
Me: "Yes. Who is this?"
Student Loan Lady: "This is Student Loan Debt Relief Services"
Me: "And you are calling me at almost 9 p.m. because why...?"
Student Loan Lady: "I THOUGHT you would like to save money on your student loans"
Me: "No. I'm not interested. Also, I've asked to be removed from your lists. You guys call me all day, every day. Stop calling me." (Literally I get at least 5 calls a day from them)

AND I hang up the phone.



AND I hung up again.

Guess who didn't call back a second time?

I think that's all that's bothering me today. I used to be able to tell all of my problems to Facebook, but since I don't have a Facebook anymore, I will be ranting here :) Thanks for listening!


Mrs. P

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