Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Drum Roll Please...

We have a kid who is FINALLY interested in potty training! On Sunday, I went to the bathroom and per the usual, Little C wasn't too far behind. I used to think that was weird, but I was given a book that said children model going to the potty from watching their parents, so I guess I am okay with it? It's still super weird.

Anyway, Little C sits down on the potty at the same time I do. I use the restroom, finish, flush (which he got up to watch because flushing the toilet is THE most exciting thing in the world to a two year old) and wash my hands, and Little C is still doing his pattern alternating between hiding behind the shower curtain, standing up and running around the bathroom, and then a few seconds sitting on the potty.

Thinking he was NEVER going to go, I came out to sit on the couch (with full view of the bathroom, don't worry) and I said "Buddy, I'm going to give you some privacy so you can go potty. You let me know when you finish." About 5 minutes later, he said "I pee pee'd!" He has been saying that every time when he gets up, and there hadn't ever been pee pee, so I said "Okay, let me come check" and there was ACTUALLY PEE IN THE TOILET! There was more on the floor surrounding the toilet, but THERE WAS STILL PEE IN THE TOILET! Wahoo!!!

I scooped him up in my arms, ran around the house screaming for Mr. P and cheering "Wooooooh! Cardy went to the potty!!! YAYYYYY!" I made a HUGE deal out of it, then I let him go to his prize jar. He picked a baseball whistle and while that normally may have driven me crazy, I was so excited about the pee that it didn't even bother me! (Side Note: On a whim of deciding what to do for our potty training toddler, I stumbled upon the $0.30 to $1.00 isle at party city where you can get pretty awesome little knick knacks like little slinkies, flutes, noise makers, mini coloring books, etc. I put them in a jar that I got from Michael's for $6.99 and used my Silhouette Cameo to cut "It's Potty Time!" out and added that for a nice touch. It's great because I can fill the jar for under $10.00!)

Today (Tuesday), he went pee pee at daycare! He told the teacher he needed to go, and he actually went! I just hope it didn't take him the usual 30-45 minutes to go at school... ha! He will get there. He will be faster. It's all part of the process. I'm trying to let him be a little more independent because he is in the "My do it!" phase where he insists on doing everything by himself AND because when his little brother comes, I'll be thankful that he is able to do some things by himself. His new favorite things to do (besides the potty) are taking off his own shoes, cleaning up his blocks when he is finished playing and any dirty clothes on his floor, putting his cup away when it's empty, throwing away trash if there is any (and if there isn't any, sometimes he will make trash just so he can throw it away), climbing into his carseat and snapping his buckle, putting his toothbrush away, moving his potty/stool to wash his hands in the sink, and wiping his nose. He also insists on walking instead of riding in the cart when we go shopping which is a new challenge for his very pregnant AND in the summer mommy, BUT he will hold hands in the parking lot (after many time outs and lectures, we've finally got that down).

He is a pretty fun kid, and I'm very lucky he is mine. And I'll be even luckier if he masters this potty training thing before October when we move to double the diapers!


Mrs. P

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