Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Free Fort Fun

Mr. P and I are attempting to stick to a budget (which we are traditionally terrible at). We wanted to try to do a few activities a week as a family, but if we had to pay for them every time, that can be expensive, so we have been researching fun things to do that cost zero dollars. Last night's fun: build a fort in the living room, then watch a movie from the fort!

Little C and I were tasked with building the fort while Mr. P grilled out for dinner. One helpful hint I used when building our fort was to run a string down the middle and the top to lift the fort a bit and give it a more tent-like feature. I was able to do this using the same hooks that we use to hang our Christmas decorations on. Score! I also used safety pins to help keep the big blanket in place on top, and because it helped stabilize the other blankets that we added on. After I got the fort built, Little C quickly figured out that it was THE PERFECT HEIGHT for him to run through to chase T-Bone (our family dog). They did circles and circles and then after they finished that, they ran even more circles. Once dinner was done, we had a picnic and ate, then we proceeded to watch The Lion King, which is Mr. P's all-time favorite Disney movie. Little C was amazed at all of the animals, but we fast forwarded to the whole Mufasa death scene because kids already have to grow up too fast and we don't want to rush the process. He lasted until Nala found Simba and the whole "Can You Feel the Love Tonight?" scene before he was ready to go to bed.

Little C isn't usually the most snuggly of boys. Instead he is one of the most wiggliest. A few times over the past week, though, he has let us lay with him before bed while he falls asleep. Last night he snuggled up to me and laid his head on my arm where he stayed until he fell asleep and those moments are my absolute favorite. After he finally fell asleep, I had to ninja creep and steal my arm back from him before going to my own room. I'm so glad I have moments like that with him (but not let him sleep with us because he likes his own space and Mr. P and I like having room in our bed *read: T-Bone and I take up most of the room while Mr. P prays for a little more than 1 foot on the very edge and hangs on for dear life*).

Stay tuned for more free fun things that we will be doing as we (try to) stick to our budget in the coming months leading up to Christmas!


Mrs. P


  1. I absolutely love reading your post. I am so glad you are doing this blog. Keep up the great work.
