Friday, July 10, 2015

Little C's Big Boy Room

Our oldest is OBSESSED with Mickey Mouse. When I say "obsessed" I mean: we have every episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on our DVR, he asks to go to the "Mickey Mouse Store" when we drive by Party City because our local store has a big Mickey picture in their window, we sing the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme song several times a day, usually spending about 5 minutes on the "roll call" part alone, and about 75% of his clothing has one (or more) Disney Junior characters on them, including his pajamas.

The kid gets it honest, Mr. P and I are also Disney obsessed. Little C's first trip to Disney World was in the womb during our first Baby Moon where we rode all of the pregnancy-safe rides and ate our faces off. His second trip was just after his first birthday, and his second was in February before he even turned two. He got his first hair cut in Disney World. We suffered through his first Disney Junior experience at Hollywood Studios with THE WORST poopy diaper I've ever smelled because he was having too much fun to worry about a diaper change. We are BIG TIME Disney fans. Matt and I have vowed to take the kids to Disney World every. single. year, no matter what it takes. With the new baby coming in October, we are praying every day that he is the most laid back, easy going baby ever so we can take our next trip in February 2016.

When we found out we were pregnant, we decided to keep the baby room the same, after all it was already decorated and I swore I wasn't changing it again (note: this has since changed... I can't help myself), so we decided to make Little C his very own BIG BOY ROOM! Because of his obsession, we quickly decided on a Mickey Mouse theme, and then we set out to make every little boy's dream room come true. After I finished the room, I promised I was going to start a blog JUST so I could showcase this room and all of it's awesomeness so it could be pinned on Pintrest, and re-pinned by all of the moms who really enjoy stressing themselves out to the point of needing a bottle of wine after painting horizontal lines. Here you have it, Little C's amazing Mickey Mouse room!

I wanted a fun way to display his important artwork and we were
running out of room on our refrigerator and pantry door,
so I created Little C's "Mousterpieces" to display his work!
The Toodles decal was printed by a local vinyl printer. I had
ordered this print off of a website, but it never came in, so
I opted for a refund and shopped local instead!

This was taken before the room was fully completed, but I
LOVE the look of the vinyl Mickey head. We had a local
vinyl company cut three gigantic circles which we pieced together
to make Mickey's head. It's cloth vinyl and we will hopefully
be able to take this with us if we ever move!

Babies grow, right? I wanted a fun, moveable way to track
how much Little C grows over time, so I found this cute idea
and modified it to fit our room. This way if we move,
we can carry his height chart with us!

I wanted to add another fun, 3 dimensional element to his
room, so I added these fun, carnival-like flags that I created
by cutting triangles out of felt (super duper cheap!) and using
hot-glue to stick the felt to white ribbon. I was able to hang
these using thumb tacks, and they add a really fun feel to
the room!

This closet needed some TLC, so we painted it this fun
color of yellow that really pops against the beautiful
gray walls.

This is one of his walls. Mr. P and I are big Broadway
musical fans, and we took Little C to his first show,
"Mickey's Magic Show" this past spring. The poster
hanging with Wizard Mickey was from that show.
I also made these curtains. I pieced together black
and red "blackout" curtains and used white felt for
the buttons. I did a quick stitch with my sewing machine
(note: I have VERY little sewing experience, these
were SUPER easy to make.)

I love this little nook. My mom and I found this toy chest
a few years back at a yard sale for $10. It was plain wood.
I painted it a matte black and cut Mickey's gloved hands out
on my Silhouette Cameo to put on the top. It's the perfect
place to store his 9 million stuffed animals.

His bedside table with his Mickey theme lamp and pictures of us
when he was a little, little guy.

The wall opposite the window was themed around Little C's
silhouette picture that we had made at Epcot when he was
one year old. I was able to download shadows of each
of the Clubhouse friends and cut them in fun patterns on my
Cameo. The decal in the middle was ordered off of Etsy
as well, and it is a beautiful, bright addition to the room.

I hope you've enjoyed your tour of Little C's room! We are currently working on the new baby's nursery, so stay tuned for that update soon!


Mrs. P

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely love this. Can't wait to ready about the new little baby P's room. :)
