Friday, July 31, 2015

Pushing Play

My Mama Jo passed away last Sunday. We had her visitation on Tuesday night and funeral on Wednesday. I was honored to be able to sing for her one last time. My little cousin played acoustically in classical style and I sang "When I Get Where I'm Going." Amazingly enough, I was able to keep it together during the song. I practiced and practiced and practiced because I just knew I was going to fall apart. It was soft and sweet and full of love, just like my Mama Jo. She always loved music and she is the one who gave me my voice, so I paid it forward in her honor. Here is one of the many takes of us practicing together. Excuse the black screen and the sound quality. I'm not going for winning a Grammy here, I just sat my phone down when it was recording so there is no grande production. Just music. Raw, heart, love, emotion.

Other than the celebration of Mama Jo's life, this week has been uneventful. We've been attempting to resume Family Fun Nights again. Wednesday afternoon, after everything was settled, we took Little C to the pool. Thursday night we made pizza together as a family and had a picnic for dinner and tonight, we watched Up and munched on stale popcorn (we didn't realize it was stale until Little C kept saying "Yuck!").

I've done some recent things around the house, and I hope I can blog about them on Sunday. I've "redone" our pantry, and I'm almost finished with Baby P version 2.0's nursery. I've also got some upcoming projects including organizing our laundry room, play room, and tackling my office (which has been steadily collecting boxes of stuff that I need to go through while I'm still in nesting mode).

I guess even when one life ends, you have to find a way to push play again and resume your own. It feels weird to know that even though I didn't see Mama Jo daily, I won't be able to just stop by and visit her anymore. Little C reminds us that she is still around. He has talked about her every single day since she passed. He tells us he meets her in his dreams, and then he wakes up talking about her which is pretty remarkable for a 2 year old, I think.

I promise I'll be back to "normal" soon. I'm still trying to figure out how I want to format this blog, if I want to do themed days, how to do it all... I just haven't had enough time to think much about it yet I guess. It will all come together with time.


Mrs. P

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