Monday, July 13, 2015

Weekend Re-Cap

We've had a fun weekend in the P pod. When I first met Mr. P, shortly thereafter I met one of his friends who has grown to be one of my very good friends as well. We call him Beach. Back in the day (before he got a Big Boy job), Beach used to come down to North Carolina and visit for a weekend (or sometimes a week) at a time, and we got to see him a few times a year. Now that he is a grown up, he works too much to allow for a random visit to participate in a toga party, or 80's party, or whatever kind of other crazy themed party we used to conjure up just because he was coming down. Last week, Beach and his girlfriend went to Myrtle Beach, and on Friday night on their way back up to Pennsylvania, they stopped by to visit for an hour. I feel very lucky to have been able to meet the girl that makes one of my closest friends smile. She got the thumbs up from the P family, as Little C was smitten and T-Bone showed her all of his tricks to impress her.

Saturday, Mr. P went golfing for the first time since May, and Little C and I went to a very cool fire-truck themed 5th birthday party for a special little boy. The party started at our local fire department where we got a tour, the kids were able to climb in, on and around the fire truck, and everyone had a chance to spray (or run through the water from) the first hose. Cardin's new obsession is now fire trucks. He sat in one of the seats in the back and said "I ride dis" about 50 times. I don't know if he realized he didn't actually go anywhere, but for a good 10-15 minutes, he was completely content sitting in the fire seat being a "fireman." When it came time to take the party to the little boy's house, Little C was devastated that he had to leave what he quickly decided was "my fire truck!" and wasn't fully convinced when I told him that we had to get off the fire truck so it could take a nap (note: find a better excuse next time since Little C is pretty smart and will soon realized that vehicles don't take naps).

Later in the afternoon, our neighborhood had a block party. I'm sure we are an anomaly in the world of people who live in neighborhoods because we genuinely like all of our neighbors, and we were absolutely thrilled to be able to spend the afternoon/evening with them. We went to one of our neighbor's pools for a pool party while we ate pig cooked by another neighbor. Once it got dark, we all watched Big Hero 6 on the big screen outside and enjoyed popcorn, and we ended the night with fireworks. Little C enjoyed fireworks SO MUCH when we were Gatlinburg. My dad had rented a cabin on top of a mountain so we could see the fireworks from Dollywood every night at 9:30 without fail, and he would always watch for "the big one." As it we learned Saturday, fireworks are much more fun when you can't hear the boom. He was NOT amused by the noise they made, which was a luxury we didn't realize we had in Gatlinburg. Here is a picture of him before the fireworks. The after picture would've involved him sitting in one of our laps with our hands over his ears.

Today (Sunday) we got back to church for the first time in a long time. We have a new priest and we LOVED him. The only thing we need to work on is the whole Little C sitting still and staying quiet in church, but luckily we have a "cry room" where we sit so we can still (try to) listen to the message. One day when he is sitting upright in the church pew beside me, old enough to take his own communion and go to confession, I'll miss the craziness of the cry room days.

We had a great weekend, and I'm already looking forward to the next!


Mrs. P

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