Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Welcome to Our Blog

Hello world! Welcome to "Our Little P Pod!" Why the name? Well, our last name starts with a P and we are currently in the process of building our pod (with Baby #2 coming in October, and plans to hopefully have one more P in the future)... hence the P pod, full of little P's!

After coming to the terrifying realization that I strictly document everything that goes on with our family solely through social media, I had nightmares of my children someday being forced to read through my newsfeed to find out about their childhood, and I decided that wasn't going to work for our family. Facebook is a cesspool of negativity, bad language, stupid memes, pictures telling you to "like" the photo of Jesus or you're going to Hell, and that's before you are forced to read the opinions of everyone on your friends list including that one kid that you're "friends" with that always ate lunch by themselves in the corner of the cafeteria while talking to their lunch tray. (Note to Self: pull all of your pictures off of Facebook and delete it, stat).

Historically, I am very come and go with blogging. I had a blog before Matt and I got married called "Dear Hannah" and I loved it. I loved writing. I kept up with it. I was motivated to blog. Then over the years, I've started a few weight loss blogs, but after I fell off the diet bandwagon, I would stop writing, and then the blog would fall apart. I'm hoping that since this is a blog for our family, for our memories, that I'll do a better job updating things.

I hope you enjoy watching our family live, learn, and grow together as Mr. P and I take on the adventure of parenting and all things that come with raising a family!


Mrs. P


  1. This is awesome Hannah!!! I'm a fellow blogger as well. I've created way too many blogs over the years (which I never kept up with). My photo blog is the only one I have right now. But my goal was to start a new blog for our little family once we moved into the new house. I totally understand the desire to have a safe place to keep memories. So hopefully, sometime soon, I'll start my own little blog. Thanks for the inspiration!!! :) PS: It's impressive how creative and talented you are.

  2. Awesome blog Hannah. Look forward to reading more.

  3. Going to miss the family updates on Facebook but good for you. I follow you on Instagram so I will still hopefully get to see some pictures. I will also be checking in on your blog now. I have always wanted to do a blog but I just do t know how to do this and what to really write about. You are an amazing young lady with all your many talents and I can't wait to watch and read all about your family as it grows.
